stress reduction - Diabetes Type 1 is curable!

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Stress reduction
If you have traumatic psychological stress or a post-traumatic stress disorder, there is no way around to go back and resolve these traumata with the help of a trauma therapist or self-therapy.
How I approached myself, I do not want to write here because it's too private for me.
Only one:
my "mantra" / motto is
I stop my autoimmune reaction, my immune system is healthy!!
An important factor in healing is stress reduction.
Nowadays, there are many different ways to reduce stress.
The cheapest are movement, dancing, making music, painting, creativity at all.
Learning relaxation techniques and applying them regularly is also useful.
To address the psychic component of the autoimmune disease is essential.
There are many ways to reduce stress and treat trauma.
Try different things and see what works best for you.
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