Pill, hormonal IUD etc. as trigger for diabetes typ 1 - Diabetes Type 1 is curable!

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Synthetic hormones
(Anti-baby pill, hormonal IUD, - rods, ring, -patch)
Unfortunately, I had a hormonal IUD for 10 years. And I make it responsible too for my autoimmune reaction.
My progesterone level was very weird after removal of the hormonal IUD.
My vitamin D level too.
Gestagen hormonal contraceptives lead to endogenous progesterone deficiency.
However, the progesterone has immunomodulatory effects (see study).
therefore, it is natural that a progesterone deficiency may be a contributor to autoimmune diseases.
Synthetic hormones consume vitamin D to break down. And since vitamin D deficiency is also a contributor to autoimmune reactions, so does the factors add up.

An extensive information page on the hormonal IUD can be found HERE.

In this video, an American naturopath explains how the hormonal IUD produced progesterone deficiency leads to autoimmune reactions.
(even under other hormonal contraceptives can lead to progesterone deficiency)
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